Web Site Maintenance & Content Management
Web Site Maintenance & Content Management is a necessary on-going SEO tool. Constant change to page content will create more search engine activity and higher rankings.
WordPress CMS and 3rd party plugin updates
IMC has found that WordPress CMS with third-party plugins is one of the best platforms for industrial and e-commerce web sites. Best for versatility and Functionality.
A third-party plugin is a small software feature providing some kind of additional functionality to your site. WordPress sites are designed to be lean and simple to maximize flexibility. Plugins, therefore, are how we take the WordPress template code and customize it to our client’s needs.
Common types of WordPress plugins include:
- SEO plugin – can help us rate your search engine optimization of each page and make improvements as necessary.
- Social Media – makes it easier for your content to be shared on popular social media sites.
- Backup – allow us to keep records of your sites content in case something happens to it.
- Security – prevent hacking or spam.
- Media – makes displaying video, audio and some image types easier.
- E-Commerce – for selling items, processing payments and organizing shipping information.
The beauty of WordPress and plugins is that they are continually being improved. Versions of WordPress or any plugin we use today will be quite different than the original version. Developers behind the software continually work to evolve the code and improve it. Furthermore our team updates all WordPress CMS and added plugins as they become available
IMC makes it our business to stay on top of these changes for you. We keep your site as up to date as possible. Therefore you don’t have to invest time and personnel into monitoring the ever-changing landscape of the internet.

Monitoring Keywords, Phrases and Meta Info
This too is part of on-going Web Site Maintenance & Content Management. Your business and industry is not static, neither should your website. To rise to the top of web searches, your website’s keywords, phrases and Meta info needs to be updated continually for best results . This is part of web site maintenance & content management.
Keywords and phrases are literally words and phrases that your potential customers are using to search for your products and services. Keywords and phrases need to be chosen wisely to align with what searchers are typing to find your products.
Meta description is specifically a short (about 150 characters) tag in the HTML code of your webpage that summarizes each page’s content. Its role in SEO is subtle. Keywords and phrases, combined with the right Meta info act like a one-two punch. We specialize in knowing what they should be and adjusting them when needed to make improvements.
Tweaking Headings and Page Copy
There’s more to content generation then adding blog posts and product pages. Your existing pages should be constantly updated such as tweaking headings and existing page copy.
IMC can help you make the most of your webpages. If your web site needs to be professionally optimized by a team of experts to reach the top of Google’s first page of listings. The first three listings just below the ad listings receive the most clicks, over 70% in Google search.

SEO Reports and Google Analytics
SEO reports and Google analytics can be somewhat hard to decipher. Not impossible, but time consuming. Understanding them well enough to be able to recommend web changes is not learned overnight. We will decipher your Google analytics reports and relay that information on our monthly reports to you.
IMC’s experts have been optimizing web sites since the early days of search engine optimization. We’ve watched the best practices for SEO reporting and interpreting Google analytics for many years. Furthermore we’ve done it through the lens of the industrial material handing equipment industry.
After contacting us we can set up a conference call to discuss our services in more detail.
Contact IMC, your experts in the industrial markets and the material handling equipment industry.
Minneapolis MN